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How to Find the Next Big Meme Coin and Invest in It: Experiences From A Crypto Investigator

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How to Find the Next Big Meme Coin and Invest in It: Experiences From A Crypto Investigator

meme coin

Key Points:

  • Miles Deutscher’s Twitter string gives important experiences on putting resources into image coins, stressing the requirement for alert and a betting outlook, while distinguishing ways of tipping the chances in support of yourself.

Anyone who wants to make a lot of money should read Miles Deutscher’s Twitter post about investing in meme coins. He suggests being cautious and having a gambling mindset, but with the right strategy, you might find the next big coin.
Miles Deutscher’s Twitter string on the best way to find image coin pearls and exchange them for exceptional yields has drawn in huge consideration in the crypto local area.


This is known in economics as the “Castle-in-the-Air Theory”, (popularised by economist John Maynard Keynes), whereby ‘investors try to build a sort of castles in the air and think of the probable price rise in the future than estimating the intrinsic values’.

Miles Deutscher wrote

In the string, he covers the rudiments of image coin effective financial planning, finding and exploring solid image coins, the best image coin purchasing system, and how to know when to take benefits.


$PEPE has changed many lives, after doing a 375,000x in just 21 days.

But you can change yours too.

Here’s my full guide to finding meme coin gems (and trading them for crazy returns). 🧵

— Miles Deutscher (@milesdeutscher) May 5, 2023


Deutscher acknowledges that investing in meme coins, which lack the fundamental drivers of traditional investments, is risky. In that capacity, the venture ought to be drawn closer mindfully and treated as a bet, similar as games at a club. Deutscher reminds readers that L1s like Ethereum + exchanges always win, just like the house in a casino.


You can think of meme coins like the games at a casino, and the L1s like Ethereum + exchanges as the house.

Remember, the house always wins.

We’ve already seen this reflected in the significantly increased $ETH burn over the last week.

More on chain activity = more $ETH burnt.

— Miles Deutscher (@milesdeutscher) May 5, 2023


When investing in meme coins, there are ways to tilt the odds in your favor despite the risks. Deutscher suggests keeping an eye on which coins do well, examining the fundamentals, determining whether the token has a strong culture, and following the smart money.





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While purchasing and taking benefits, Deutscher suggests dealing with it like a gambling club. He recommends trading meme coins only on a separate on-chain wallet, utilizing technical analysis to aid in entry, and withdrawing your initial entry after a two-fold increase. For those more ready to face challenges, he proposes laddering out a foreordained rate for every extra 100 percent gains.

Deutscher warns that meme coins can quickly bring in a lot of money, but investors should be careful to use that money to make their lives better. When top signs such as 24h trading volume flipping market cap, lower highs being formed on a higher timeframe, number of holders decreasing, holder growth significantly slowing, large whales beginning to sell, and funding rates shifting from negative to positive appear, he advises not roundtripping profits and reducing risk.

On the off chance that you’re keen on putting resources into image coins, it’s fundamental for approach it with a betting outlook and to direct exhaustive exploration prior to effective money management. With the right methodology, you might have the option to find and put resources into the following enormous image coin that could completely change you.

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