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Tag: apple

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Apple yet to remove fake Rabby Wallet app as users report being drained

The malicious app is still on Apple’s App Store four days after it was first discovered and flagged by App Store users. A fake version of Rabby Wallet, a crypto wallet app, has been reportedly wreaking havoc on unsuspecting users of the Apple App Store. On Feb. 16, the team behind DeBank’s Rabby Wallet confirmed…
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US Lawmakers Challenge Apple’s Crypto App Store Policies

Central issues: US officials, Gus Bilirakis, and Jan Schakowsky, start a bipartisan investigation into Apple’s Application Store crypto strategies. Concerns were raised over the likely limitation of blockchain and NFT advancements, undermining US tech industry authority. The Chief Legal Officer of Coinbase and the CEO of the Blockchain Association back the investigation because they want…
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Apple Store Seems A Pernicious Trick Program, Clients Be careful

Central issues: The Apple Store has found a malignant phishing program that takes clients’ records and passwords. Con artists arrive at clients by mirroring customary applications. Digital money clients who go through iCloud to back their information should watch out. The Main Data Security Official of driving security organization SlowMist, tweeted that the most recent…
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Apple has a serious security flaw that could cause crypto assets to be lost once more

Central issues: It has been demonstrated yet again that Apple’s operating system contains critical flaws. Users’ crypto assets may be at risk if attackers gain root access. The discovery of extremely serious flaws in Apple’s operating systems has the potential to result in the theft of personal information, digital currency, and property. In total, two…
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