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The price of BAYC NFT returns to its lowest level in two years

Key Points: When the BAYC floor price fell below 50 ETH, concerns about a possible decline in the NFT market grew. This was the most elevated level arrived at by the assortment since November 2021. Following a cutting edge year in 2021, blue chip assortments are showing a decreasing fascination. The floor price of the…
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After quitting BAYC for gambling and losing, Franklin Whale deletes his Twitter account

Franklin Whale Deletes Twitter After Dumping BAYC Due To Gambling And Losing Key Points: Following the sale of the BAYC mass, Franklin Whale shut down his Twitter account. He stated that he had lost his investment and advised people not to gamble before deleting the account. Sell at least 27 NFT BAYC to raise 1439…
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Is the bored ape game a money maker for the best players?

Key Ideas With Bored Ape’s title, professional players made $10 million in three weeks. With the release of the game Dookey Dash and the announcement of the promotional video, BAYC has caught the market’s attention. A straightforward web game that the developers recently produced has increased the prosperity of numerous ecosystem target markets. How do…
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