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Changpeng Zhao Guilty Plea Accepted By US Judge: Report

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Changpeng Zhao Guilty Plea Accepted By US Judge: Report


Central issues:

  • The plea deals between Binance Holdings and Changpeng Zhao, the company’s former chief, have been approved by Seattle U.S. District Judge Richard Jones.
  • Changpeng Zhao has been granted bail while awaiting his February 23, 2024, sentencing, and prosecutors have requested that he remain in the United States until then.Reuters reports that U.S. District Judge Richard Jones has approved Changpeng Zhao’s guilty plea. Zhao will be sentenced in February, and prosecutors have requested that he remain in the United States until then. Condemning is planned for February 23, 2024.

When Binance agreed to pay more than $4.3 billion in November, it made headlines. The company admitted violating sanctions and anti-money laundering laws in the United States. In addition to Binance, Changpeng Zhao pleaded guilty to the charges and is presently awaiting his February sentencing.

In a composed proclamation, Judge Jones communicated his acknowledgment of the blameworthy supplication, expressing, “This Court, having considered the Report and Suggestion of the US Justice Judge, to which there has been no ideal protest… thusly acknowledges the request of at fault for the litigant… the respondent is decreed at real fault for such offense.”







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Changpeng Zhao Guilty Plea Accepted By US judge

The sentence is currently scheduled for February 23, 2024. Zhao has been granted bail despite awaiting sentencing. However, the prosecution has requested that he remain in the United States until the sentence is handed down.

They contend that Zhao represents a serious gamble of flight. However, Zhao’s attorneys have argued vehemently that he is not a flight risk and should be permitted to return to the United Arab Emirates, where his family currently resides, until February.

Under the ongoing terms of his bond discharge, Zhao would be allowed to get back to the UAE, yet he would need to return to the U.S. fourteen days before the booked condemning date. Nonetheless, Judge Jones as of late remained that piece of Zhao’s delivery until a last decision is made regarding this situation.


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